Kostrama, Russia
Founded: 1989
Head of Government: Mayor Yuri Zhurin
Population: 277,280
Area: 55.79 mi
Main Industries:
Relationship Established
- Sister Cities partnership was "suspended" on Aug. 15, 2022
by a vote by Durham City Council, based on the
recommendation of the Board of Directors of Sister Cities of Durham
- The Board of Directors suspended the Kostroma City
Committee on Dec. 1, 2022
Additional Resources:

Kostroma, Russia
KOSTROMA, RUSSIA Sister City since 1989.
Founded in 1152, Kostroma is one of the historic cities of the Golden Ring, about 200 miles northeast of Moscow. It is the home of the monastery where Mikhael Romanov resided in 1612 when he was called to become the first tsar of the Romanov dynasty, which lasted until 1917. Kostroma has a rich heritage of 18th century architecture.
The "Mountains -- Waterways": Kostroma sits beside the legendary Volga River. Continental climate (Köppen Dfb). It has long, very cold winters and short warm summers.
The Kostroma City Committee hosted three delegates from Kostroma, Oct. 30 - Nov. 7, 2015. The visit was supported by a grant from Open World. Since they came to learn about diversity and pluralism in Durham, their visit included visits with a wide variety of communities in Durham, including representatives from the African-American, Latino, Chinese-American, India, LGBT, and Jewish communities. They also met with the Convention and Visitors Bureau, and made presentations to the City Council and to the public at the Blue Note Grill.
Activities of the Kostroma City Committee:
-Librarian Exchange visits
-School partnerships- Kestral Heights HS
-7 Open World Grants supporting visits by young professionals from Kostroma (Govt, Art, Music, Librarians, Diversity)
Activities of the Kostroma City Committee
-Librarian Exchange visits
-School partnerships- Kestral Heights HS
-7 Open World Grants supporting visits by young professionals from Kostroma (Govt, Art, Music, Librarians, Diversity)
Picture to the left:
The Snow Queen from Kostroma presents art work from 4th grade students in Kostroma to Principal Star Sampson of Holt Elementary Language Academy for the 4th grade students at Holt. The Holt students then presented art work to the Russian visitors to take back the Kostroma students.